Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Don't worry, we're still alive!

Hello everyone,

Sorry it took us so long to post on the blog! The internet was not as accessible as we anticipated. We arrived safely on Monday afternoon, unpacked 30 bags, and spent the evening getting acquainted. Haiti is quite a change from what we are used to back home, with no running water and outhouses for toilets, but it has been nice to get away from all of the usual amenities to focus on why we are really here. We spent Tuesday preparing for VBS and the soccer tournament, and Pastor Josh began the first day of the Pastor Conference. In four days he is teaching a "crash course" overview of the Bible, going through every book and explaining them.

Day 1 of VBS was definitely a success! Almost all of the 85 kids who showed up attend church here, Calvary Chapel Caneille, and we had so much fun with them. During small group sessions, after we told the story of creation, many of us were surprised to find how knowledgeable they were of what it means to believe in Christ and be saved by faith. It gave us an opportunity to encourage them to grow in their faith and pursue God in a deeper way.
This afternoon we had our first official soccer game in the tournament we organized for the local village teams. Despite the rain the turnout was amazing, giving us a chance to reach around 300 people in sharing why we were there. The soccer game really allowed us to experience true Haitian culture and understand a little more of what their lives are actually like. We are so excited to spend more time with the community and cultivate deeper relationships so that we can share Gods love with them. That's why we are here in the first place.

Tomorrow we are going to post again, with a more in-depth description of all of the things we have been doing and include several of the 30GB worth of pictures our designated photographer, Dylan, has taken.  Keep our team in your prayers! We are all healthy and happy and would love if you could pray that continues, for the pastors Josh is helping raise up in the community, and that both the VBS and soccer outreach would be effective in spreading the gospel.

- Abby :)

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